Friday morning I flew to Atlanta with Emily to visit my parents. I had two tickets on Delta that were going to expire at the end of this year so I decided to take a weekend trip/adventure with my 2 and ? year old and see my folks. This is how the trip went.
- The flight was at 9AM on Friday morning so we decided to leave the house at 7. With traffic and forecasted rain, we thought about 45 minutes to an hour to drive the 12 miles to the airport with plenty of time get checked and through security. Well, picture this ? Friday morning, it?s cold, dark and raining outside, Ethan and Patti are sleeping soundly in the bed in Ethan?s room, I am fast asleep after coming off three weeks of a very tough assignment, Emily is snoring away and dreaming of coloring on freshly painted walls, and it?s 6:35. Patti woke up and started the fire drill. But I showered and dressed, Patti got ready and got Emily and Ethan dressed, fed, and we got our stuff and were in the car by 7:15. Very little traffic and we were at the gate by 10 minutes to 8.
- My parents picked us up and Emily could not have been more excited. Emily really really loves spending time with both sets of grandparents. We got lunch and got back to the house around 3PM. I was taking a nap 20 minutes later. It was amazing.
- My parents have a house that is almost perfect for little kids. Large ranch, big rooms, long hallways, and almost all of it carpeted. Emily pretty much was able to get a running start on one end and pick up enough speed to really do some damage. When I woke up from my nap she was wearing her underwear, an adult t-shirt with a fabric belt, and stockings, running around the house. My parents brought out a bunch of toys and it was romper room.
- We spent Saturday shopping. Actually, I tried to get Red Sox tickets online in the morning with no luck and my father and Emily spent the morning outside causing trouble, but we spent the afternoon shopping. Nothing crazy. The mall, Barnes and Noble, a flee market, then home. And then another glorious nap. 90 minutes of lying in bed while my father watched Emily. Wonderful time. Sleeping. And not feeling guilty or worrying about things. Wonderful.
- Oh, the airplane ride on Friday, I forgot. It was the first time I took her on a plane by myself. For the most part not a big deal. She was not in a car seat because she is now riding in a booster seat and they do not work on planes, but she did ok. A couple of times she really wanted to get out and I had to come up with some pretty creative ways to keep her in, and when we were set in the landing pattern and could not get out of our seats she HAD to go to the bathroom right then and cried which kind of sucked, but what can you do. I covered her mouth and tried to get her to stop. If she offended someone, too (expletive deleted) bad, she was good for 2 hours of a 2 hour and 10 minute flight.
- Back on Sunday, flight was good, got a Christmas tree, had some family time, then back to work on Sunday.