A couple of weeks ago Patti and I were talking about one of the home improvement projects I was planning for the spring. She asked me if we were rich, would I still do all the work around the house. My response was ?No, I would do more, only bigger projects and I would use better material?.
Then to prove my point I said that I thought the ideal job would be as a full time writer (assuming I had the skill) where I would write for 4 hours a day and work on projects for the other 4-8 hours of time that I currently devote to work.
The conversation moved away from home improvement projects to writing. Patti then told me she thought I should write one thing a day for a full year and put all of those ?essays? into a book and it would be about one year in the life of a 30-something year old male white management consultant. Fascinating, I know. But then I thought about it and think it?s kind of a cool idea.
So starting on January 1 and continuing for the next 365, I am going to write something every day. Some days it will be one of my rants about Delta or politics or drivers on the highway, other days it will be about what I did at work, sometimes I?ll write about my kids, or the weather, or a movie I saw, or a feeling I had. I am going to use a blog that I am going to set up to capture my ?essays? and put it on a website that only I know about. I am not sure what I am going to call the site, maybe www.alligatoroffice.com or www.swampthingtwosucked.com, but some site that there will be a one in a million chance someone will stumble across it but if they do, WOW, what excitement.
Anyway, when my book signing comes to your town, I might give you a book for free.
- Dave