I swear I thought people losing money to this scam was an urban legand. I had no idea that someone would actually fall for this. Wow.
I swear I thought people losing money to this scam was an urban legand. I had no idea that someone would actually fall for this. Wow.
Posted by David_Dobrindt on November 17, 2008 at 10:46 AM in In The News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I am going to keep a running dialogue of my thoughts during the debate. Since I am typing on my wife’s Mac, instead of my ThinkPad which is backing up data, my comments might seem more arrogant and condescending.
It’s a little after 8 and I am getting ready. This includes drinking a lot of coffee, finishing dinner and bringing in a cement block from the back yard to hit myself in the head after Palin makes an insanely awful comment.
I am going to watch on PBS, because I learned a lesson during the two conventions. The networks are putting on too much of a show, and PBS seems to stick to the basics.
I don’t know anyone NOT watching this tonight. Exciting, considering most VP debates are about as hyped as MASH reruns on channel 18.
It’s starting, shush.
• No cheers or applause from the audience? What fun is that? I want cow bell.
• Ok, Biden and Palin just came out. They both have the same number of letters in their last name. I am brilliant.
• SP (Sarah Palin) just asked Joe Biden (JB) if she could call him “Joe”. Nice touch. He should have said no, call me Big Big. If only I could speak through him.
• They are standing. Leading up to this, I watched several past VP debates. They would at times sit. I like them standing, it makes they look “game ready”. SP looks good. She is short. And a moose hunter in case you hadn’t heard.
• JB would be smart to keep bringing up Bush. SP would be smart to keep bringing up Obama.
• First question to Biden. He thanks Gwenn, in the tank for Obama, and says it was nice to meet Palin. His flag is much smaller than hers…which is very very interesting…very interesting indeed. Makes me wonder.
• Sarah, looking at the camera is freaking me out. Stop it. Look at Gwenn. And no more “betcha” comments. So first 60 seconds and you said soccer mom and betcha. Ugh. This could be bad.
• She looks nervous. Slow down SP, slow down. You look like Mike Tyson doing a Charlie Rose interview. You look like David Duke at a Black Panther rally (thanks Dennis Miller).
• Biden is smooth. Smooth like the bottle of scotch I am about to drink. Biden is doing a nice job. He is a perfect politician.
• She is fidgeting. She looks like she is reciting something she memorized. She needs to start speaking from her heart, not from her script. Loose the talking points.
• Did Palin just say that Americans crave something new and different, and new energy? Did she really say that? Does she know who her presidential running mate is? Its John McCain. He is 85 years old. Is she making a case for Obama? I am confused. Help me.
• Palin just said “Maverick”. EVERYBODY DRINK!!!!!!!!
• Say what you will, but Palin is attractive. Biden, not so much.
• Darn right? Did she just say Darn Right. Enough of this good ol’ boy speak, this isn’t Hazard County. Your country speak is getting real old, at least for this city boy. Or suburban boy.
• I like that Biden keeps saying John is a “good man”.
• Biden just said Wall Street should “self regulate itself”. Patti just got up and said she was going to self regulate herself another glass of wine. Oye, now we have two morons (two being Palin and Biden, not Biden and Patti).
• Wait a sec, wait wait wait. Biden just said he asked Joey Bagadonuts at the local Citco how much it costs to fill up his Yugo. And he said Joey said he doesn’t know, because he doesn’t have enough money to fill it up. I am confused. If he can’t afford gas, which is awful, why is he at the gas station. And everyone from the northeast knows to the PENNY how much they spend on everything.
• Oh, Sarah, answer the freakin question. Great, you did some good things in Alaska, but you need to answer the question that was asked.
• Why is Gwenn throwing out multiple questions to each candidate at the same time. She is all over the place.
• So, Biden, 5% of the people are going to bear the brunt of the tax increases so 95% of the people will be ok. Hmm. Interesting. Why not take all of their money and distribute it to the 95%, which is what you are recommending. Redistribution of well is fine, if we lived in a communist society. But what do I know, I didn’t go to Harvard.
• Was Biden making googly eyes at Palin. I think he was. Easy Big Boy, she’s taken.
• Is McCain’s healthcare plan detailed and will Palin give us some details on it. Just the details please, detail it out. Detailed.
• Wow, Biden did a great job with the health care plan rebuttal. Nice. Not sure if he is totally accurate, but nice job scaring the crap out of me.
• Now Biden’s looking at the camera. Its throwing me off. Look at Gwenn.
• Is that Tina Fey, or Sarah Palin. I actually think I like Tina’s version better.
• Ha, she has been at this five weeks, that was pretty funny. I like that. That was clever. Good job SP.
• Biden’s starting to slip. “quote, I’m paraphrasing”. What the hell does that mean? I’m not an English teacher, but is that good English?
• I don’t like where Biden is going with bankruptcy. So a judge can come in and change the value of a home and what someone owes on that home? That doesn’t sound fair.
• Wow. Palin, your response to climate change was…well…hmm…interesting…kind of rambling…a little incoherent….a little like my 6 year explaining physics.
• We’ve been at this for almost an hour and they only just now said “fundamental difference” when explaining the two camps. Come on Biden and Palin, you are slipping.
• I am losing steam a little. Both sides are starting to become boring, repetitive and a little pedantic.
• I admit I drifted off, but did Palin just say “Senator O’Biden”.
• Patti just said “this type of discussion is supposed to help us clear up who to vote for?”
• So conversation, from both sides, about gay marriage was messy.
• Both of them kind of fell into a rhythm. The discussion on the war was not as divisive as I thought it would be. Sarah is doing better now that she has a few zings under her belt.
• I am getting used to them looking directly into the camera. Biden has been doing it as well.
• Everybody has a passion for diplomacy. Passion passion passion. We all want diplomacy. Until some madman lobs a nuclear bomb into a friendly nation. But diplomacy is the first step.
• Biden: “No one has been a better friend with Israel than Biden”. What about Lieberman? He’s Jewish.
• I am done. Nice ending, Biden, very heartfelt. Goodbye and goodnight.
Posted by David_Dobrindt on October 06, 2008 at 12:55 PM in In The News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I am not joking, this article was found on CNN.com.
or click here
WICHITA, Kansas (AP) -- A 35-year-old woman who sat on her boyfriend's toilet for so long that her body was stuck to the seat had a phobia about leaving the bathroom, the boyfriend said.
Posted by David_Dobrindt on March 13, 2008 at 01:49 PM in In The News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Years ago I read a great book called Blood On The Street: A Sensational Inside Story of How Wall Street Analysts Duped a Generation of Investors. It was fascinating and showed how corrupt insiders in Wall Street made millions while the average person, like me and everyone I know, had to make money the hard way. I could not put the book down and one of the things I found interesting is how Eliot Spitzer was a gun slinging sheriff in the badlands of Wall Street, cleaning things up, going after security analysts who pumped up worthless stocks so their investment banking arms would get the business. I personally might have thought he went overboard on some of the people he went after, like Hank Greenberg and Dick Grasso, and I think he might be exaggerating how evil corporate America is because its been proven that lower taxes on corporations will result in more jobs and a stronger economy and maybe LESS government oversight would…sorry, I digress, this is not the time for my usual rants.
So this week we found out that Spitzer was paying prostitutes for sex. The SHAME.
”…and I promise not to use state funds for prostitutes”
”I just came from the Mayflower”
The thing that I don’t get is WHY would he do something so stupid. His entire career and political platform is on a morality play. He cleaned up Wall Street, prosecuted the mob, shut down prostitution rings. Now he is nothing but a cheap stuffed shirt who used hookers himself. WHY the (expletive deleted) would he in a thousand years risk his life’s work on it? I just don’t get it. Put aside the fact that prostitution is illegal – its PAYING someone for sex. Do what Bill Clinton did and play doctor with some internal or ANY OTHER willing canoodling partner. It is one of the most hypocritical things I could think of, short of him getting caught for insider trading. In fact, that would be pretty funny, too bad it didn’t happen.
If someone wants to cheat on their spouse, so be it. If someone wants to use a prostitute, so be it. But don’t go after wrong-doers with your badge while breaking the same laws you were elected to uphold. I hope Spitzer resigns and not because I don’t agree with him politically, this is NOT a partisan issue, it’s a morality issue, it’s an honesty issue and it’s about doing what you say, not what you do.
”I like prostitutes THAT much”
PS. Great Letterman Top Ten list for Spitzer. Click here.
Posted by David_Dobrindt on March 11, 2008 at 09:30 PM in In The News | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Say what you will about Barack Obama, but he inspires great music videos.
...and the primaries get wackier and wackier.
some more information on the song here
Posted by David_Dobrindt on February 05, 2008 at 10:04 PM in In The News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I entered a hotel elevator last night heading to my room after checking in. The elevators at the NY Hilton have TVs that play CNN or a commercial for whatever conference is there at the time. Anyway, I looked up and saw Nancy Grace, an annoying lunatic who has an awful show on CNN. This episode was apparently about her giving birth to twins, which is narcissistic even for self-interest grabbing hacks like Nancy. So just as I looked up, on the scroll bar that runs across the bottom of the screen, and just below a picture of Nancy Grace with her twins in her arms, I read the following text…
…eat her own cubs.
eat her own cubs
It turns out the scroll bar news was about a polar bear or something I think. Or maybe it WAS about Nancy Grace.
Posted by David_Dobrindt on January 11, 2008 at 11:41 AM in In The News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I watched the debate tonight.
Fred Thompson, you did great. Good for you. I love the sarcasm.
Ron Paul, what the (expletive deleted) happened? You sounded like a crazy man. I’ve heard Red Sox fans make more sense arguing about the Yankees. And to think at one time I liked you. Ronnie, you broke my heart, you broke my heart.
Posted by David_Dobrindt on January 10, 2008 at 11:09 PM in In The News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Good times last night, good times.
First, B to A to R.A.C.K.O.B.A.M.A
No idea what I'm talking about? Watch the "I Got A Crush On Obama" video on YouTube, but be WARNED that it is a bit racy. Actually, not a bit, but a lot. You have been warned. Click here for the video. WARNING, it's got a half naked girl dancing around. You've been warned. I try not to promote video clips with attractive women other than my wife, but it has a politic spin to it. Sort of.
Second, I didn't know Barack smoked. I just heard he was a pretty big smoker. If you doesn't win the oval office, he could be the Attorney General.
Finally, not sure who has more egg on their face, Mrs. Bill Clinton or Mitt Romney. I want to say Hil because a huge group of conservative christians voted for the Huckster, and general opinion is that Mitt will do better outside of Iowa, but who knows.
And did I hear Richardson say on Foxnews this morning that he is happy he was in the top four. Ha. Let's recap the outcome...Obama 37.6%, Edwards 29.7%, Clinton 29.5%, Richardson 2.1%. That's kind of like saying Hank Aaron and I have 755 home runs between us.
Mitt, oh handsome Mitt, just stop with the ads in Massachusetts. Why spend the money, it's lost and nothing you do will get it back. Just focus on the other 49 states.
More later.
Posted by David_Dobrindt on January 04, 2008 at 12:44 PM in In The News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
One zoo visitor was mauled to death and two others severely injured when a Siberian tiger escaped from its grotto at the San Francisco Zoo early Christmas evening and went on a bloody rampage in front of terrified zoo patrons.
Should I be concerned that for Christmas Patti got me a pass to the Franklin Park Zoo with a t-shirt that says "Sweet Meat" on the front?
Posted by David_Dobrindt on January 02, 2008 at 11:48 AM in In The News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Debra Lafave, the Florida teacher who pleaded guilty to lewd behavior with a teenage boy, has been arrested for allegedly violating her probation on charges she spoke to an underage female co-worker.
Thinking to myself: Must...fight...urge....to....comment.
Damnit, this one is a layup.
Posted by David_Dobrindt on December 04, 2007 at 07:06 PM in In The News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)